A new theme generator is available!

Welcome to Theme Generator by ElOctopusMakesGames!

Are you ready to spark your creativity and dive into your next game jam with an exciting and unique theme? JamTheme Generator is here to help! Designed for game developers, hobbyists, and anyone looking to participate in game jams, this tool will randomly generate engaging themes to inspire your next project.


  • Instant Inspiration: Get a fresh, random theme with a single click.
  • Diverse Themes: Our extensive database ensures a wide variety of themes to keep your creativity flowing.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Simple and intuitive design for a seamless experience.
  • Endless Possibilities: From classic concepts to out-of-the-box ideas, you'll never run out of themes to explore.

How It Works:

  1. Click the Button: Generate a random theme instantly.
  2. Get Inspired: Use the theme to kickstart your creative process.
  3. Start Creating: Begin developing your game with a fresh and exciting theme!

Whether you're gearing up for a global game jam or just practicing your skills, ElOctopusMakesGames - Theme Generator  is the perfect companion to fuel your imagination and get those creative juices flowing. Join our community of passionate game developers and let the inspiration begin!


ThemeGenerator.zip Play in browser
32 days ago

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